Mary Berg, a long time music programmer at KPFA died on November 28, 2014. Mary hosted a classical music program every Sunday from 5 to 9am for more years than I can remember. She had one of the gentlest radio voices and always gave our local musicians space on her show when they were performing locally or had a new project coming out. While she favored Bach, she was known to play Kitka, the California Revels, Ensemble Alcatraz and other locally formed groups. Hers was the last show on which KPFA’s signature Bach Cantata was played just before 9am. Some
of us recall having our clock radios tuned to KPFA for what we called the “Wake Up Cantata” as it was played every morning at 7am when KPFA came on the air. Mary’s memorial will be held at The Unitarian Universalist church at Cedar and Bonita in Berkeley from 2-5pm.